Sponsorships and Donations
The expenses for the production, transport and laying of the Stolpersteine by the “Stiftung Spuren Gunter Demnig” are financed in Frankfurt by “Stolperstein-Patenschaften” (Stumbling Stone Sponsorships) of voluntary donors.
Anyone can take on such a Stolperstein sponsorship. The sponsorship for a stone amounts to a one-time payment of 120 euros. The donor receives a sponsorship certificate.
We pass on the full amount to the “Stiftung Spuren” of the artist Gunter Demnig. The activities of the Frankfurt Stolperstein Initiative are carried out entirely on a voluntary basis.
If you would like to sponsor a Stolperstein, simply write us an email. You may indicate personal preferences, i. e. neighborhood or victim group, that we shall try to meet when we assign the sponsorship.
We also ask for donations for the public relations work of the initiative, the preparation of the documentation, events, and other expenses.
We will issue donation receipts upon request.
Bank account
Initiative Stolpersteine Frankfurt am Main e.V.
Frankfurter Sparkasse
IBAN: DE37 5005 0201 0200 3936 18